Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Indie Music Inspiration - The Internet and the Music Industry

The internet has definitely impacted the music industry. The presence of digital distributors, illegal downloading, and other online sales media has dramatically decreased the return on investment for record companies. This has forced record companies to layoff staff, drop low-performing artists, and maintain caution when scheduling tours and running promotional efforts when promoting your music.

However, the power of the internet is a great tool for the independent artist. This gives independent musicians a direct tool for marketing and promoting their own career. The main task required of the artist is to become educated on every aspect of music development, marketing, and sales. Get to know others in the industry that can offer advice or assistance. This can be a great way to gain confidence in your ability and build support for your career. With the internet, you have the power to do the following:

• Keep your cost low
• Higher profit and revenue
• Cut out the middlemen
• Research and review that companies that you choose to do business with
• Maintain control of 90 to 95 percent of your career
• Sell and monitor your music sales online

The sections within my online radio promotion guide are designed to educate you on the important arenas within the music industry. Use good judgment when working with industry representatives and take constructive criticism as it comes your way. However, do not let anything or anyone hold you back from pursuing your dream to work with music. You are in full control of your success in music. Anything has the ability to be sold if a true need and desire is created for it. Let your passion for music be your guide.

As creators of music, it must be understood that you are in control of your own career. Many repeatedly ask themselves the dreadful question, "When will I be able to truly profit from my music and pursue it full-time"? The answer is definitely dependent upon how serious you are about your music.

As an individual, you are in control of your own destiny. The harder you work the better your chances of getting your music heard by a major label. In this industry, you have the ability to fly like a bird if you put in the work. Have you heard the saying, "Nothing worth having comes easy"? If you have, you should apply this to any career that you choose. You must work hard, educate yourself, and act upon the knowledge gained. Coupling this with your natural talents only makes the experience even more rewarding when you begin reaping the fruits of your labor.

Read more on this topic and other free music education tips at freeradiopromotion.com

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